Ana Vila

Ana Vila


Services and Technology Transfer Office

Dr. Ana Vila is the Coordinator of Intellectual Property (IP) and Knowledge Transfer (KT) at INL since 2022. She is responsible for IP strategies, management, and the exploitation of INL’s IP portfolio, including licensing and entrepreneurship. During her time at INL, she has been involved in business development, innovation project management, generation and implementation of IP and Spin-Out policies.

Before joining INL, Dr. Vila worked in the pharma and biotech sectors as Executive Vice President, managing a business unit of 8-10 people in Santiago de Compostela. She was very involved in the licensing-in of technologies or chemical entities from research institutions and universities, which were further developed and licensed out to other companies.

She holds a PhD in Pharmacy and has more than 20 years of experience in nanotechnology and its application in different sectors (mainly biotechnology and medical health). Dr. Vila has 7 patents (6 licensed out) and has founded 2 companies and a joint venture. Additionally, she served as a Coordination member of the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform for 4 years and as Vice President of the Galician Health Cluster for 2 years. Dr. Vila also works as an expert evaluator for the European Commission and is part of the Innovation Team – StartUp Braga.

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