1st International Conference of the Portuguese Association of Cellular Agriculture at INL
September 11, 2023

CellAgri Portugal – Portuguese Association for the Development of Cellular Agriculture together with INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory and in partnership with Municipio de Braga, Portugal Foods, Colab4Food and FLAD hosted the 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Association of Cellular Agriculture.
This event aimed to foster and encourage the collaborative development of cellular agriculture while sharing the latest scientific and innovative advancements related to cellular agriculture products, such as cultivated meat, fish, milk, collagen, leather, fur, wool, and hair, both nationally and internationally. Some of the most influential minds in cellular agriculture – Mark Post, Isha Datar, Andrew Stout, and Vítor Espírito Santo joined this unique event as keynote speakers and panellists. They shared their expertise and insights on the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in this transformative field.
More than 150 participants took part in the conference during two truly productive and inspiring days in which we were able to learn from the best and discuss the most recent advances with leaders in the area.