Delivering Nanotechnologies, advanced Materials and Production to REGional manufacturing
July 10, 2016
Nanotechnologies and new materials (NMP) are a cornerstone of EU policy for innovation and advanced manufacturing. As one of the Key Enabling Technologies, the EU believes that NMP can reverse negative growth trends in manufacturing and foster growth and jobs. The statement is clear, but the road from intent to transfer, application and exploitation of NMP in manufacturing are long.
NMP is dealt with in research. However, the common challenge is to ensure that innovation actors cooperate to deliver research results to the manufacturing sector, with subsequent benefits for regional growth.
NMPREG groups partners from 5 regions, who want to face this challenge together. Their overall objective is to improve regional policies for the delivery of innovation in NMP to manufacturing. NMPREG focuses on policy actions that can support innovation delivery, using coordinated action from key players.
Changes are particularly expected in projects funded by policy instruments (3 ERDF ROP / 2 other key policy tools for innovation), particularly in cluster support, financing for innovation actors and other horizontal innovation delivery measures. Partners also hope to influence policy management, in terms of monitoring and evaluation criteria for innovation delivery.
NMPREG achieves this through exchanging experiences and Good Practices in a context of interregional activities, communication and stakeholder engagement. Partners develop Action Plans that result in: improved policy instruments, more and better targeted funding, with leverage effect in mobilising private funding; new or improved models for innovation delivery thanks to cooperation across the regional innovation chain.
All regional innovation players will benefit. NMPREG works towards a medium/longterm impact of creating a regional system that can support the manufacturing sector in applying NMP research to create new products/services; create places of work; promote a market for improved and cost-efficient products.
Start Date: 01 April 2016
End Date: 31 March 2021 (60 months)
Type: Interreg Europe: Improving innovation delivery policies
Contract Number: PGI00023
Funding Agency: UE-ERDF Funding Programme: Interreg Europe
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary – Participant Contact: Paula Galvão (
Project Coordinator: Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa (IT)
• ASEV – Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa (Italy)
• Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Belgium)
• North Regional Coordination and Development Commission (Portugal)
• University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania)
• Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (Romania)
Budget Total: € 1,622,195.00
Budget INL: € 143,968.00