EPPN First Wokshop gathers more than 140 participants in Brussels
November 29, 2017
In the aftermath of the 1st European Pilot Production Network Workshop that took place today in Brussels, INL thanks every single one that was part of this great opportunity to introduce the #EPPN and the planned CSA activities.
We are proud to have had the privilege to talk and discussed with more than 140 participants from the EPPN CSA Consortium, EPPN External Advisory Board, H2020 and FP7 pilot projects, European Commission and the Nanosafety Cluster, Modelling and characterization Councils.
The EPPN, led by INL, is a project striving to be instrumental as a coordination initiative and virtual marketplace, supporting the development of pilot production business networks, and facilitate the access for new costumers and potential investors, for better exploiting the opportunities offered from both EC and National activities. To know more about this project, feel free to explore at the website.