INL participated in the the International Science Festival – FIC.A 2022, in Oeiras
October 17, 2022
Last week, INL participated in FIC.A, which took place between October 10-16 at the Hub-ACT (Art, Science & Technology), a future incubation centre for creative industries in Oeiras, Portugal.
The International Science Festival – FIC.A was created in 2021 to innovate, disrupt stereotypes and establish a new reality that would fascinate those who, for some reason, are not connected to the world of science and technology.
During 7 days, the mission of FIC.A was to inspire and capture the attention of children and adults, create new audiences for science and use art to communicate exciting science and technology. There was an inspiring program of events, full of exciting opportunities to engage the audience.
The school program welcomed over 18.500 students over 5 days. INL researchers designed an interactive game about liquid biopsy, microfluidics and cancer and participated in fun demonstrations about nanotechnology and sensors. During the weekend, the program was filled with playful science explorations, including a science-inspired cultural program. INL prepared a hands-on workshop about transistors, participated in the ‘Conversations with authors’ session, a friendly set-up to talk about the Multicultural community at INL, and participated in a poetry reading gathering with poems written by an INL researcher.
INL team, together with over 100 academic, scientific, technological, diplomatic, governmental and non-governmental entities, joined FIC.A 2022 to bring to life the science that surrounds us, to encourage us to read about science, and understand and realise that science is behind everything.