INL is opening a call of 19 new positions to strengthen its research lines for highly qualified researchers
August 16, 2016
(4) Senior Staff Researchers
(4) Staff Researchers
(11) Postdoctoral Research Fellows
This call is cofunded by NORTE-45-2015–02 – “Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I”, funded by Norte 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.
INL – The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, was founded under an international legal framework to perform interdisciplinary research and to deploy and articulate nanotechnology for the benefit of society. INL aims to become the world-wide hub for nanotechnology addressing society’s grand challenges with specific emphasis on Aging & Wellbeing, Mobility & Urban Living and a Safe & Secure Society.
The work undertaken by our researchers has a significant impact on people’s lives and societal benefit. The objective is to ensure that staff is employed on the basis of skills and requirements for the job and that there is a mutually beneficial relationship between INL’s expectations and the staff personal and professional career development. INL recruits from all over the world. We find the diversity and multiculturalism of our teams as well as family friendly working practices and benefits to be a great asset and an essential element in cultivating an attractive and inspiring workplace.
Call General Conditions: INL encourages researchers with a distinctive profile at the highest international level in their field of competency to participate and apply to this call.
Employer: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL.
The research programs: The 19 positions are to be allocated into the framework of 3 research programs
• Nanotechnology-based functional solutions | Ref.NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000019
• Advancing cancer research: from basic knowledge to application | Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029
• Frontiers of technology for theranostics of cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases (FROnTHERA) | Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023
Work Place: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL, Braga, Portugal.
Closing date for applications: For Post-Doctoral Fellows, August 30th 2016, 23:00 (WEST- Western European Summer Time); For Staff Researchers and Consolidated Staff Researchers, September 15th 2016, 23:00 (WEST- Western European Summer Time).
Employment Start Date: Ideally, successful candidates are expected to join the INL by the 4th quarter of 2016. Starting date can be negotiated in particular for the Senior Staff Researchers.
Application Procedure: Applications must be formalised online through INL website: www.inl.int, attaching the following documents: a single pdf file containing the candidate’s CV, a statement on research interest (2000-character maximum), list of the 5 most relevant publications, and the contact details of 3 references. Bear in mind that incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation. The application language is English.
Selection Criteria: The selection criteria will be curriculum evaluation and interview(s) carried out by an evaluation committee that will assess scientific production as well as research activity. There will be a pre-selection based on ranking by curriculum evaluation. Selected candidates will be invited for interviews.
The present call invites applications for:
i) Tenure track positions at Senior-level staff researcher working on state of the art topics as announced below (positions). For these positions, only very strong candidates, with an outstanding research track record and excellent leadership capabilities will be considered. Typical candidates will have more than 10 years of research experience after PhD.
ii) Tenure track positions at staff researcher level. Experienced researchers with an excellent research track record, and that have already demonstrated group leading capabilities can apply (typically 4 to 10 years after the PhD).
iii) For Post-doctoral research fellows. Postdoctoral applicants must have a strong research track record and should have a career stage ranging up to 3 years after PhD.
Evaluation and Selection: 30 days after the closing date.
International Mobility: Applicants have to meet the criteria of at least two years of International exposure at pre-doctoral and/or post-doctoral level.
Employment conditions: We strongly recommend reading the job description and to confirm particular conditions.
Employment Contract: The ranking list of candidates will be published on the INL website. If your application is successful and you accept our offer of employment you will receive the employment contract and all other relevant documents. If you are relocating, you will be given assistance from the HR office.
If Your Application is Not Successful: We highly value the interest shown from applicants wishing to become a part of the INL experience. It is important for us to maintain good communication with candidates. No matter the outcome of the application, we always send the applicant an answer.
Applicable legal and regulatory framework: Taking into consideration the status of the INL as an international organisation, the employment contract will be subject to the INL Staff Rules and Regulations, as well as other relevant information for re-location purposes.
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Principle: INL is an equal opportunity organization, committed to providing equal career opportunities and firmly adheres to a principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issues.
Applicants can receive support regarding applications to these positions via e-mail: hr.services@inl.int.
The advertisement deadline may be extended at any time without previous notice taking into account the suitability and effectiveness of the recruitment process.
// Senior Staff Researcher* – Tenure track Positions:
• Ref.07.16.46 Senior Staff Researcher – Energy Harvesting for Sensor Networks
• Ref.07.16.55 Senior Staff Researcher – Water Monitoring and Treatment
• Ref.07.16.59 Senior Staff Researcher – Nanomaterials and Processes for Additive Device Manufacturing
• Ref.07.16.60 Senior Staff Researcher – Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment Follow-up
* For Senior staff researcher with an exceptional track record a tenure position may be granted.
// Staff Researcher – Tenure Track Positions:
• Ref.07.16.45 Staff Researcher – Integrated Microsystems for Molecular Fingerprinting
• Ref.07.16.47 Staff Researcher – 2D Materials for Optoelectronic Applications (Theory)
• Ref.07.16.48 Staff Researcher – Hybrid Sensing Devices
// Postdoctoral Research Fellows Positions:
• Ref.07.16.44 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
• Ref.07.16.49 Postdoctoral Research fellow in Nanostructured Solar Cells
• Ref.07.16.50 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Development of Transdermal Biosensing Systems