INL is the place where Health and Innovation will meet
February 28, 2019
Next 4th of April 2019, the Health Cluster Portugal (HCP) promotes the “Meetings with Health Innovation” Conference, at INL, Braga, where the participants will discuss how to accelerate innovation and create value through public-private partnerships and procurement, in collaboration with INL, ANI (Portuguese Agency for Innovation), and the European Commission initiative Enterprise Europe Network.
The opening session will count with Lars Montelius, INL Director-General, Salvador de Mello, President of HCP, and Andrzej Rys, Director for Health Systems, Medical Products and Innovation, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission. The topics in the discussion will be how to improve access to innovation while preserving the sustainability of health systems, innovation in tackling neurological diseases, oncological diseases, and infectious diseases, and also how to accelerate innovation and create value through public-private partnerships and procurement.
The event will include an exhibition area with invited stakeholders operating in the health sector and will be co-funded by Compete 2020 EU Fund for the Regional Development.
You may register here until the 25th of March.