New INL startup selected for competitive EIT Food program
May 25, 2020
The startup 2BNanofood, a project initiated at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, the winner of last year’s EIT Food Seedbed program in Bilbao, Spain, is invited in its second edition to share their experience with newcomers.
The new company, born within the INL Food Processing Research Group, developed an ingredient aiming to replace synthetic materials that have a harmful influence on human health while maintaining their quality and safety. Confectionery companies are looking for a solution like the one provided by 2BNanofood, that substitutes titanium dioxide, which does not comply with European regulations.
EIT Food has selected 12 innovative projects to bring them together for a whole week in a business incubator, whose virtual headquarters – due to the coronavirus health crisis will not be held on-site – will be the Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, where the consortium has its offices for southern Europe.
After an intensive ‘campus’, each startup will get 10,000 euros to invest in the search for potential clients. Besides, they have the opportunity to present their projects to experts in the agri-food sector and, the best of them will receive prizes of up to 20,000 euros that will allow them to develop their business.
The objective of the Seedbed program is to attract innovative ideas or projects that allow progress and contribute to promoting new talents in the agri-food field.