Project NMP-REG Mid-Term Workshop held in Belgium

February 1, 2018


The NMP-REG, a project funded under the Interreg Europe program, held a Mid-Term International Workshop last month in Leuven (Belgium), in collaboration with the ERRIN Network and with the participation of Watify (Boosting Technological Transformation).

Based on the Regional Smart Specialisation (RIS3) Mid Term Reviews, the event focused on the debate of technology transfer of nano and new materials to industry, while bringing into conversation regional authorities and various stakeholders in the field of new and advanced materials.

The workshop comprehended two different moments: a plenary session discussing European initiatives related to regional smart specialisation strategies; a session entitled “Consolidating NMP in regional Smart Specialisation” divided into two interactive working sessions.

INL is one of the six members of the NMP-REG project that groups partners from 5 regions. The consortium aims to ensure that innovation actors cooperate to deliver research results to the manufacturing sector, with subsequent benefits for regional growth.

The overall objective is, therefore, to improve regional policies for the delivery of innovation in NMP to manufacturing, focusing on policy actions that can support innovation delivery, using a coordinated effort from key players.

NMP-REG works towards a medium/long term impact of creating a regional system that can support the manufacturing sector in applying NMP research to develop new products/services; create places of work; promote a market for improved and cost-efficient products.

For further information, please visit the project’s website.