INL Cluster

Desenvolvimento de vestuário inteligente para a prevenção da ocorrência de úlceras de pressão

4NoPressure project proposes the development of a new type of intelligent clothing for patients who are bedridden or seriously impaired in a hospital and at home environment, capable of: 1) Reducing the occurrence of the clinical condition of the PU in its prevention and therapeutic action; 2) Prevent the occurrence of infections, which result from the condition of the UP; 3) to monitor the status of patients at high risk of developing PU in a hospital environment; and 4) Improve the patient’s quality of life.

The proposed solution will add a new concept of structural and design system, for greater ergonomic comfort, to correspond to the condition of reduced mobility and type of movements of the patients, as well as, the provision of clinical care. In parallel, new materials and architectures will be investigated at the level of the interface fibrous system that will be developed, providing greater relief of the pressure exerted, and thermophysiological control of the microclimate of the skin. At the level of infection control, technology based on photocatalytic nanomaterials will be investigated to generate a long-term antimicrobial protection. This technology will also be investigated, in conjunction with the fibrous system, in the release of emollient substances to the patient’s hydration condition.

To control the patient’s condition, namely in a critical state (intensive care), the project aims the research and development of an integrated clothing solution, incorporating a unified matrix of sensors, for the monitoring and detection of critical areas of PU development.

The project brings together a consortium with experience and complementary skills, namely the leading company IMPETUS, the University of Minho (UMinho), the Iberian Institute of Nanotechnology (INL) and the Coimbra Nursing School (ESEnfC).

Total Eligible Budget

1,365,857.24 €

INL Eligible Budget

316,675.37 €

Total Funding

925,558.02 €

INL Funding

237,506.53 €

Start Date


End Date


Type of action

SI – Projetos em Copromoção

Grant Agreement Id


Funding Agency




Funding Framework


INL Role


Approval Date


Intervention Region

North of Portugal