
The InsectERA Agenda aims to promote the circular economy and drive the development of new products, processes, and services based on research and innovation, with high added value and the incorporation of knowledge and technology. This agenda allows for a response to the challenge of the green transition towards environmental sustainability. The agenda covers the entire innovation cycle, from research and development to manufacturing and market commercialization, supported by technologically advanced production. It is structured around four main work packages:
- InFood: Utilizing insects as an alternative and sustainable nutritional source in food products.
- InFeed: Using insects as a nutritional source in sustainable animal feed.
- InIndustry: Incorporating insect-derived products as new raw materials for various industries, such as cosmetics and bioplastics.
- InBiorremediation: Harnessing insects as a tool for bioremediation, including the treatment of livestock effluents and urban organic waste.
In this Agenda, INL will collaborate directly with the following partner organizations: FCT/UNL – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Ingredient Odyssey, S.A.; APBIO – Associação Portuguesa de Bioindústria; Sense Test – Sociedade de Estudos de Análise Sensorial a Produtos Alimentares; Thunder Foods, Lda.
Click here to see the Project Sheet
Total Eligible Budget
42,988,639.71 €
INL Eligible Budget
396,098.27 €
Total Funding
28,660,263.12 €
INL Funding
396,098.27 €
Start Date
End Date
Grant Agreement Id
Funding Framework
INL Role
Approval Date