Research on Malaria Highlighted in International Publication
June 5, 2020
INL researcher Peng Weng Kung along with Maria Isabel Veiga (ICVS – UMinho) was invited by MDPI publisher to be their Guest Editor for a Special Issue entitled “Recent Advances in Malaria Diagnosis”.
Malaria is a major public health concern that continues to claim the lives of more than 435,000 people each year. The challenges with antimalarial drug resistance and detection of low parasitaemia form an immediate barrier to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of ending malaria epidemics by the fast-approaching deadline of 2030. With the increasing human mobility (e.g., travel, migration), the threat of a resurgence in traditionally non-endemic countries (e.g., the United States, Europe) remains high.
This Special Issue discusses the recent advances of emerging technologies/methodologies in malaria diagnostics. Submissions can be original research articles, reviews, or commentaries/perspectives.
You may access the article through this link.