EPPN Project Kick-off
August 16, 2017
EPPN, the European Pilot Production Network, and Innovation Hubs is a €1M CSA initiative, funded by the European Union that kicked off on 1 June 2017.
Four partners from across Europe – INL, Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology (CNT), NANOfutures and Onvega – are working together on the establishment of a solid and quality network of European pilot production pilot facilities in the area of nanotechnology and advanced materials to support pilot production, setting the pillars to the rapid deployment of new technology and, ultimately, reinforcing the creation of new businesses.
Leading the project is INL. The project will run for 36 months. To keep up-to-date with this project’s developments, please consult the project website at www.eppn.eu.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no 768681.